Monday, February 20, 2012

So, Katsucon went pretty well! I can't believe I was actually able to go.

I didn't sell as much as I intended. Only about half of my inventory, but I still made $500. That's enough to last me until Springfest which I have a feeling will go much, much better!

The con was such a unique experience. Even though I was probably one of the most antisocial people at an anime convention, I still met a lot of really nice people. A lot of people liked my shop. Even if somebody came by to admire my things but didn't buy anything, I was still really honored. It felt good.

There was a booth there selling nothing but pixel art. I didn't see it until kind of late, but it made me feel kind of bad. They had pixel sprites of everything, but just the sprite, nothing else. The entire booth was dedicated to it. There were also like 4 or 5 other booths that had some kind of perler art, like keychains and earrings and stuff. I didn't see anyone else with necklaces.

After I saw them, I put out every single one of my necklaces. At first, I was only going to put out a few, because I had like 48 different ones, but I put out all of them and really began to sell~! The first one I sold was the 'NSFW' one. A lot of people liked the 'ur fat' necklace! A bunch of people came back to buy it but I only made one, so I gave them my business card instead!

I brought like 80 business cards and gave them all out. People kept asking so I just had to write down my URL on a piece of paper.

Lolitas, actual LOLITAS who wore make-up and beautiful dresses and coordinated outfits with shoes and stocking and purses and hair-clips and jewelry and wigs that all matched came up to my booth. SO MANY OF THEM. They were so gorgeous. I was so completely flattered that actual, real lolitas loved my necklaces. Even brand lolitas. That's like... as good as they get! I met a girl who had an entire outfit bought in Japan from Moi Meme Moitie! I recognized it too, because as soon as I saw her, I was like to my friend "She looks just like Mana!" and it turned out she was wearing all of his clothes from his line! <3

AND SNEKO, THIS GIRL WHO IS OFTEN INVITED TO LOCAL CONS IN ORDER TO PERFORM JPOP AND KPOP COVERS... bought one of my necklaces. And two hats from OolahOolah, my best friend's shop who I was sharing a booth with. It was so magical! I told her I was a huge fan and she even took a picture with me. I've idolized her since CastlePoint Anime Convention last year!

I have so many ideas for new necklaces. I'm going to start working on them right away.

Today I'm joining the gym again! <3 I have to get fit for my Pinkie Pie and Wonder Girl cosplay.

I'll write more in my personal blogs, but I'll keep this updated with my craft creations and other ideas I might come up with. I'm buying mini hama beads ASAP! <3

1 comment:


    I love the hats and your necklaces!
    It sounds like you had a GREAT TIME!

    And you met an IDOL! That's so awesome, Mari! <3
    I'm so happy for you!

    And who is Wonder Girl!?
